Avenues College Children's Centre
Our Philosophy
We work together with children, families, and the community to achieve the best possible learning, health, development and well-being outcomes.
We believe children need to feel safe and secure in our Centre.
Our ways of learning with children are based on high quality evidence that identifies strengths and builds upon self-directed activity, hands-on learning, collaborative play, creative choice and problem solving. We believe children are powerful, competent and capable agents, in their own learning. Every child is unique and supported to develop skills and gain confidence to successfully face the challenges of an ever-changing world, in an environment that values a sense of learning, innovation and agile thinking.
Children’s Centre Information Handbook
Preschool Program
Sessions and Times – 2024
Blue Group – Mondays / Tuesdays 8:40am -3:10pm
Yellow Group – Thursdays / Fridays 8:40am-3:10pm
Wednesday sessions 8:40am – 2:20pm (alternate weeks)
Key Contacts
Principal B-12 – Hamish McDonald
Head of Children’s Centre – Rhianna Woodbury
Children’s Centre Administration – Bec Wythe
Our Preschool fees are currently $110 per term. We invoice in week 3 of each school term and ask for fees to be paid in full by the end of week 6. Invoices are emailed to the enrolling parent and a hard copy is also provided in your child’s letter pocket. Payment plans can be organised upon request.
Policies and Procedures
Preschool Program Enrolments
Enrolling your child
You can register your interest to enrol your child with us by using the preschool registration of interest form. A hard copy of this form is also available from us. Upon registration, please present for viewing:
- proof of child’s date of birth (birth certificate or passport)
- child’s immunisation details
- proof of child’s address.
We encourage families to register their interest before June 30th for the two main preschool intakes for the following year. Families can register their interest after June 30th however, please note that preschool enrolments may be full.
Priority will be given to children living in our catchment area. If you don’t live in our catchment area you should indicate at least 2 other preschool options on your form.
If we can offer your child a place with the Avenues College Children’s Centre Preschool Program, we’ll send you an offer letter in term 1 or 3 depending on when your child is eligible to start preschool. If you enrol your child outside the two main preschool intakes, we’ll send you an offer letter as soon as practicable. You can accept the offer by filling in and sending back the acceptance slip by the due date.
Before your child starts
Families are provided with an information booklet on enrolment and encouraged to request a preschool tour before their child starts. We will contact you in either term 2 or term 4 regarding some ‘Stay and Play’ orientation sessions on offer to families starting preschool. During these sessions the children will become familiar with their new educators, peers and learning space. The Head of Children’s Centre will share some preschool information and invite families to ask questions.
Preschool Program - Support for Children with Additional Needs or Disability
If your child has additional needs or a disability, they might be eligible for extra support at their preschool.
For more information visit disability support at preschool or contact us.
Occasional Care
We are currently seeking approval to run an integrated Occasional Care Program for children 2-5 years.
Please see Children’s Centre staff for a registration of interest form.
Community Programs
We work in partnership with a range of Government and non-government organisations to provide a variety of community programs including playgroups, parenting support, health and development support and
Please see our What’s On Termly Calendar for more details.
Avenues College is in partnership with Happy Haven OSHC (Out of School Hours Care) for after
school, early dismissal and Pupil Free day care. OSHC is located in the Primary
School “Learning Street” and is open until 6pm. Bookings are essential.
Click here for more information about this service including fees and enrolments.